This webinar session at Crowd DNA looked at what has changed about how we tell stories in a time where most things are done at a distance. We considered not only what different forms of remote storytelling have emerged in popular culture, but also how we – as researchers – can continue to build empathy with people, and understand our audiences without visiting or seeing them in person.

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Remote Film Formats

Film, Strategy

In the face of a global pandemic and grounded travel, we had to quickly pivot away from in-person filming in 2020. Instead, we turned to remote film methods – a series of carefully designed approaches that still reveal true needs and tensions, helping our clients get close to their consumers – from a distance. I created this series of example films to show a range of our methods.

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Small Print

Design, Film, Print, Strategy

Marketing campaign for Small Print, a Leeds-based print and design company. Work included bespoke high-quality direct mail, and testimonial films from featured clients.

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